9 Personal Safety Tips Every Person Needs To Stay On Top Of When Travelling Abroad

9 Personal Safety Tips Every Person Needs To Stay On Top Of When Travelling Abroad

9 Personal Safety Tips Every Person Needs To Stay On Top Of When Travelling Abroad

Millions of people around the globe travel abroad every year. Some for work, some for the purpose of education, some to visit relatives, and some just like to explore the wonders of this delightful planet. Either way, traveling to a whole new country is a big deal. Even if you don’t say it out loud, we know you are nervous. Fortunately, there are proven ways to keep yourself safe when traveling abroad. If it’s your first time going to another country or just want to stay in touch with all the latest safety regulations, this article will help you stay on top of safety regulations.

Here are some essential Personal Safety tips:

9 Personal Safety Tips Every Person Needs To Stay On Top Of When Travelling Abroad

Know Your Address

Before you leave, it is essential to know your address and where you are going to stay. For long- term stay, we prefer getting an apartment in a secure area. If you plan to stay for a few days, you can always select a hotel nearby your desired locales.

Write down your address in both English and any other language that is spoken in that country.

For instance, Personal Safety Tips write your address in English and Spanish if you intend to go to Spain. Save it in a little notebook and your phone. Even if you get lost or your phone dies, this way, you will always be safe. Also, you must know your address by heart.

Travel Insurance

This might seem like a time-consuming task but getting travel insurance is essential to secure your finances. While our mind should always focus on the positive, there is no denying unfortunate events such as accidents. If you get in an accident abroad, how will you pay for your car injury doctors? Most countries have costly medical programs, so you never know what kind
of physical and financial problems you may end up in. Having an insurance policy is always a great idea to cover any financial loss.

Avoid Night Travel Alone

This may sound like a cliché, especially in 2021 but, criminals keep a keen eye on tourists and new people to a specific area. You might not want to give them a green signal to go ahead and harm you physically or financially. Some of them may even target you at your location.

Although law and order are there to take care of in case of any damage, being safe in the first place is always a great idea.

To avoid being in such a scenario, avoid walking at non-tourist locales or the unrecognized hoods of a particular area. If you are out there in a silent street or a quiet cul-de-sac, just look for people who seem safe to you and walk behind or in front of them. Usually, people catch a drift.

They may even escort you to your destination for your safety. Make sure to stay in places that are a bit busy and lit up during the nights if you really have to go out. Also, ensure that these places have access to Ubers, hospitals, and restaurants in case of an emergency.

Emergency Contact Numbers

911 don’t work everywhere. When traveling outside the state, you need to get your hands on the local emergency contact list. Hospitals, police stations, nearest hotels, public transportation, next of kin, and insurance providers should all be on your list. You can save these numbers as ICE contacts on your phone and fill a new page in your diary. Other than this, people traveling to foreign destinations should also pen down contact details of their local embassy to keep in touch with the latest regulations. It also helps if a problem occurs with their Visa.

Blend In With the Crowd

Looking like a tourist will make you the prime target for professional criminals like pickpockets. To avoid this, try blending in with the crowd. We know you want to dress up and take pictures for your Instagram page. Still, if your primary source of travel is on public transportation and
casual diners, it is dangerous to stand out.

Keep Your Belongings Secure

What if you keep your original documents, cash, and gadgets in one bag that gets stolen? Don’t even feel like thinking about it, right? Take some mandatory precautions to avoid a drastic mishap like this from occurring. When going out, take out a little bit of cash but rely mostly on cards. MasterCard and Visa are accepted almost everywhere. Secure the rest of the money in a locker where you are staying because you might need it if you get robbed. If your cards get picked, the first thing to do is to get them blocked immediately. This is why having extra helpings of cash at your residence will help you handle the loss. When going out, bring copies of your documents instead of carrying the original ones.

Buy a Local Sim Card

You would definitely want the internet and accessibility to make phone calls with you all the time. Smartphones can work with any sim if you have an active connection. This way, when going out, you can check your location. International sim cards can easily be purchased for under $20 to $40, depending upon the service and package. If you plan to go out a lot, buy a more extensive bundle—otherwise, something to keep you in touch with works just fine. Most people don’t know what to do after a car accident, but with internet accessibility, it becomes easier to seek legal help.

Do Not Let Your Battery Die

There is no way of staying on the grid in a foreign country if your phone battery runs out. This is why some geniuses invented the power banks. There are plenty of options available in the market. Power banks with capacity ranging between 10,000 mAh to 30,000 mAh will charge your phone 3 to 6 times (sometimes more) before dying. You can keep 2 of them in your bag for longer destinations.

Along with your phone charger, keep your power bank charger with you at all times if you are going out for the day. Power banks are easily portable, lightweight, and a great tool to help you stay active. Also, you won’t have to worry about Snapchat draining all your phone battery.

Drink Wisely

The alcohol content in some drinks around the world is double or triple as compared to the US.

This means that you can get pretty drunk even after 2, 3 shots. Hold your hand when it comes to booze because being under the influence in a foreign country will make you a susceptible target among dangerous people. Most of these people lurk in random bars looking like completely nice (somewhat chatty) individuals. Leaving your drinks unattended is also a risky thing. Just don’t keep your alcohol out of your sight because Melissa McCarthy usually isn’t a professional spy trying to save your life.


Going to another country may seem like a lot of responsibility. You need Personal Safety Tips to remain focused on why you are going out – even if it is just to have fun with your friends. Just make sure that you are safe out there because tourists are just a random target for all those big and minor league criminals out there.

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