15 Quiet BPD Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and Risk Factors

15 Quiet BPD Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and Risk Factors

Quiet BPD Symptoms – Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is not a recognized subtype; bpd news, it refers to individuals who meet the diagnostic criteria for BPD but do not match the traditional profile.

By the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), bpd disorder a borderline personality disorder is a mental ailment characterized by a consistent pattern of shifting emotions, self-image, and behavior. These symptoms typically lead to impulsive behavior and relationship problems.

Borderline personality disorder people may have intense, hours-to-day-long bouts of anger, sadness, and anxiety. Persons with quiet BPD have internalized emotional crises, as opposed to the usual presentation of BPD, which involves furious outbursts and overt self-destructive behavior (they turn their anger inward). As a result, quiet BPD is commonly misdiagnosed or misunderstood. On occasion, this disorder is referred to as “high-functioning” BPD.

What is Quiet BPD?

What is bpd? Quiet BPD – Borderline personality disorder is a Quiet BPD mental disorder characterized by mood swings and difficulty managing emotions. This condition may induce significant mood changes that can last for prolonged individuals. National Alliance on Mental Illness, BPD affects around 1.4% of all individuals in the United States, with 75% of those diagnosed being female quiet bpd test.

There is debate over the higher frequency of Quiet BPD in women compared to males, especially the idea that some behaviors may look differently owing to “typical” gender norms. Guys, for example, are typically thought to be more aggressive. Therefore this behavior may be tolerated in some organizations.

Ernesto Lira de la Rosa, Ph.D., a New York City psychologist and media consultant for the Hope for Depression Research Foundation, says quiet BPD is not a recognized diagnosis. He adds that the term refers to one of four kinds of BPD, first established by psychologist Theodore Millon and that these categories are not widely recognized.

  • impulsive borderline
  • petulant borderline
  • discouraged (quiet) borderline
  • self-destructive borderline

According to Dr. Lira de la Rosa, this sub type of BPD (also known as the “discouraged” subtype) is characterized by the same “feeling of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, affect, and impulsivity.” These individuals, however, may internalize rather than externalize their behaviors. Quiet BPD is also characterized by a deep connection to one or two significant others and an overwhelming feeling of vulnerability.

Quiet BPD Symptoms

Borderline personality disorder symptoms are defined by the Statistical and Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) as follows:

  • Avoiding abandonment, whether perceived or real strong and turbulent interpersonal relationships
  • An identity disturbance is characterized by an unstable self-image or feeling of self and at least two self-destructive impulsive behaviors, such as spending money, sex, drug abuse, driving, or binge eating.
  • Recurrent suicidal behavior, suicide threats, or self-harm, unstable or reactive disposition
  • Recurring feelings of loneliness and rage that are too violent or difficult to manage
  • Paranoid ideation caused by stress or temporary intense dissociative symptoms
  • While these symptoms are typical in BPD, the expression of quiet BPD is distinct.
  • With quiet BPD, you will likely attempt to hide your symptoms from others, resulting in intense bouts of self-directed anger, guilt, or shame.
  • You could attempt to hide impulsive behaviors or repress your feelings.
  • You may also isolate yourself or withdraw from people.

Attempting to hide

Quiet BPD symptoms may harm interpersonal relationships. Extreme emotions, unpredictable moods, and erratic behavior may make establishing relationships difficult. You may acquire a fear of rejection from others or a hypersensitive reaction to perceived criticisms.

You may be afraid that everyone will forsake you, which may fear your self-esteem to suffer. In interpersonal relationships, you may push people away or bring them closer. Sometimes you want intimacy with people, and other times you push them away out of fear of criticism or rejection. BPD is most often diagnosed in adults. However, it may also be diagnosed in children and adolescents. In many cases, a diagnosis requires at least a year of symptoms.

What are the Causes of Quiet Bipolar Disorder?

The causes of “Quiet BPD” are the same as the typical causes of borderline personality disorder. Like numerous other mental health disorders, BPD is thought to have a genetic component (inherited).


According to Reliable Source, BPD may have genetic relationships, but more information is needed to understand the connection. Quiet BPD is most likely caused by factors other than heredity. Several studies have shown that emotional and physical abuse and early neglect may increase a person’s vulnerability to depression.

A personal history of unstable relationships or exposure to unstable relationships may also play a role. BPD Reliable Source may be linked to brain abnormalities and differences in the neurotransmitter serotonin. However, it is unknown whether brain alterations cause BPD or arise after the fact.

Complications of Quiet Bipolar Disorder

Personality disorders are dangerous and complicated because they affect every aspect of life. Instead, they have a detrimental impact on all areas of a person’s health and well-being.

Among the most common symptoms of Quiet BPD are:

  • Unhappy or disagreeable relationships
  • People with forming loving, trustworthy relationships with others
  • Increased use of alcohol and other drugs to deal with powerful emotions that led to introspection
  • Co-occurring mental health issues, including sadness and anxiety, are more common.

Having difficulty overcoming small setbacks and challenges

Suicidal thoughts and attempts

“The biggest hurdle for a person with Quiet BPD is intense loneliness,” Lo continues. They may feel trapped in their circumstances. They may detect a problem and have a tremendous desire to connect but are inhibited by a fear of losing control. They may seem high-functioning on the outside, though they may be lost and miserable on the inside.”

“In my experience, folks whose BPD symptoms are more internalized tend to look calm, polite, and agreeable,” Meier continues. This might mask the internal struggle and lead to environmental rejection. They may feel forced to maintain this veneer of calm lest they face rejection and abandonment. At the same time, they may feel misunderstood and dishonest, as if no one knows their “real” self, making pleasant encounters and friendships appear suspect and untrustworthy. 

How is Quiet BPD diagnosed?

To be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder Quiet BPD, a person must fulfill five of the nine criteria listed in the Diagnostic and (DSM-5) Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

The prerequisites are as follows:

Frantic endeavors to avoid real or perceived abandonment

Extremes of idealization and devaluation characterize this unstable and passionate interpersonal relationship. Disruption of identity (markedly and persistently dangerous self-image or sense of self)

Impulsivity in at least two potentially self-destructive areas

Suicidal behavior, threats or gestures, or self-mutilation regularly. Significant emotional reactivity causes affective instability.

  • Emotions of emptiness that persist
  • Anger that is excessively ferocious or difficult to control
  • Stress-related transient paranoid ideation or acute dissociation symptoms

Treatment for Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder

Because quiet BPD cannot be diagnosed, there are no standard treatments for this disorder. Furthermore, no medicine to treat BPD has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As a result, the majority of BPD sufferers find relief via a variety of psychotherapies:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – A talk therapy that examines thinking and behavior patterns and helps create coping skills to overcome them.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) – This therapy, developed specifically for BPD, encourages attentive emotion and stress control.

Schema Therapy – A combination of many therapy techniques focused on interpersonal connections (i.e., may be used for quiet BPD and romantic relationships).

Medication: While there is no medicine for BPD, some symptoms may be reduced with medication.

Medications, for example, may assist with mood stability. If you feel medication may be beneficial, talk to your doctor about it. Even though there is no FDA-approved therapy for BPD, you may be offered medication if you have another mental disorder. Furthermore, vitamins and supplements may help with BPD symptoms.

What Therapy Might Be More Effective for Quiet BPD?

You may find typical Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) materials useless or even annoying if you have quiet BPD. DBT, designed for individuals with BPD, focuses on increasing distress tolerance and decreasing conflicts, but these are not what you need. If you have suppressed BPD or extremely controlled tendencies, you can benefit from a specialized therapy like Radically-Open DBT rather than a typical DBT. Working relationally with an attachment-based therapist may also be beneficial.

You may personally experience expressing yourself without shame, retribution, or humiliation by going through an emotionally corrective experience. You have the chance to practice expressing your anger assertively as well as being spontaneous and amusing.

You may then apply your embodied learning of emotional vulnerability and openness to other elements of your life, beginning to relax, be self-compassionate, and establish meaningful relationships with others. You have kept your pain hidden for many years. However, if you are willing to take the first move and introduce yourself to people who understand your unique personality, you may not only heal but also flourish.

What Can trigger a Quiet BPD Episode?

According to Dr. Lira de la Rosa, identifying the triggers and warning signs of a BPD episode may be difficult owing to the condition’s complexity and the fact that not the same situations trigger every person.

Nonetheless, the following factors may aggravate symptoms:

Interpersonal relationships: May have a significant impact on people with BPD. Situations in which they feel rejected, criticized, or abandoned may trigger an episode of borderline personality disorder.

Loss or Rejection: Loss or rejection, such as the end of a relationship or the loss of a job, may also trigger a BPD episode in specific individuals.

Intrusive Thoughts: BPD may be aggravated by unsettling images or thoughts that emerge unexpectedly, particularly those that trigger painful experiences. Reflecting on earlier events and experiences may help you understand what triggers your BPD. These circumstances may give insight into the origins of an occurrence. Individuals living with a family member or friend who has BPD may benefit from consulting with a mental health professional to understand their loved one’s particular triggers better.

Quiet BPD vs. Normal BPD

By the National Institute of Mental Health, BPD borderline personality disorder is characterized by uncontrollable mood swings, poor self-image, impulsive behavior, excessive “black-and-white” review, self-harm, and an inability to maintain solid interpersonal ties (NIH). Episodes of great fury, sadness, or anxiety are also symptoms of the illness.

Quiet BPD symptoms might last anywhere from some hours to many days. Quiet BPD is difficult to differentiate from classic BPD, at least in an official sense. Nonetheless, therapists and patients commonly discriminate between “quieter” instances and the more typical symptoms of BPD.

Quiet BPD differs from classic BPD in that Quiet BPD sufferers do not display the same externally disordered behavior as classic BPD sufferers. Quiet BPD sufferers are often high-functioning and withdraw themselves while suffering symptoms.”

This makes Quiet BPD challenging to diagnose since many symptoms are similar to those of other diseases, such as anxiety and mood disorders. Furthermore, many individuals with quiet BPD, like those with classic BPD, have suffered trauma. People with quiet BPD usually turn their aggression inside, unlike “classic” BPD, which is characterized by periods of obvious, violent outbursts.

Quiet BPD people still experience the disorder’s severe emotional roller coaster, but they work hard to conceal or dismiss these feelings. Shame or self-hatred usually characterizes their sense of self.

Quiet BPD Risk Factors

According to research, genetic, environmental, and social risk factors may increase the probability of developing a borderline personality disorder.

Among these variables are:

History of the Family

People with a close family with borderline personality disorder (such as a parent or sibling) are more likely to develop the disease themselves.

Structure and Function of the Brain

According to research, individuals with a borderline personality disorder may have structural and operational changes in their brains, notably in the areas that govern impulses and emotions. However, the examinations did not reveal whether these changes were risk factors for the disease or the outcome of the illness.

Environmental, cultural, and social factors

Many borderline personality disorder individuals describe terrible childhood events such as abuse, abandonment, or deprivation. Others may have been exposed to conflict or unstable or invalidating relationships. Although these traits may increase a person’s chance of getting borderline personality disorder, this is not proven. People who do not have these risk factors may sometimes get the condition.

How to Help Someone With Quiet BPD

If you know someone living with quiet BPD, you may help them in the following ways:

Inquire and listen carefully to their replies.

  • Feelings of compassion
  • Attempt an effort to validate their emotions.
  • Please encourage them to use self-soothing techniques.
  • Discuss any upcoming family or group therapy sessions.
  • Set proper boundaries in your interactions.
  • Recognize their accomplishments.
  • Encourage mindfulness practices.
  • Take care of yourself and control your stress so you can be there for them.

Quiet BPD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is qualified to diagnose borderline personality disorder?

Symptoms of bpd a mental health professional typically diagnoses BPD as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or social worker, according to Simon A. PsyD, Rego, chief psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center and also Associate Professors of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at this Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.

What Is the Root Cause of Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder?

Like other personality disorders, quiet borderline personality disorder is typically caused by abuse, trauma, inheritance, and environmental factors. Without therapy, it may be impossible to pinpoint the cause of the condition, despite your fact to do so do i have bpd?.

Are women more likely to suffer from BPD?

Previous studies found that women had a higher frequency of BPD than males. According to research, BPD is more familiar among men than previously thought. Women, on the other hand, are more inclined to seek therapy.

Which Psychotherapy Is Most Effective for Quiet BPD?

DBT is the first-line therapy for BPD. However, it focuses on the symptoms of typical BPD. Because quiet BPD is characterized by excessive control that is not under control, radically open DBT may be a more appropriate therapy and bpd medication. Discuss the strategy that works best for you with your mental health specialist.

How is borderline personality disorder (BPD) diagnosed?

There is no definitive diagnostic test for borderline personality disorder (BPD). The disorder is diagnosed via a clinical interview with a trained mental health practitioner, according to Simon A. Rego, PsyD, a head psychologist at Montefiore Medical Center and at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.

What is it like to have a quiet BPD?

You may have poor self-esteem and regularly suffer anger, despair, and anxiety if you have reserved BPD. You might have a history of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or both. You may also have feelings of guilt or shame if you have Quiet BPD.

Is Quiet BPD more severe than BPD?

Quiet borderline personality disorder is significantly more challenging to identify and treat than BPD. Still, like with many mental health conditions, the sooner it is diagnosed, and treatment begins, the more beneficial the therapy is.

Is it possible for a quiet person to have BPD?

Living with a silent borderline personality disorder may be very demanding and incapacitating. It might make it difficult for a person to enjoy their regular life as they try to regulate their strong thoughts and feelings.

What is the majority of quiet BPD?

On the surface, what causes bpd people with quiet BPD seem to be doing well but struggle with intense loneliness, shame, or self-criticism. BPD affects an estimated 1.6% of the population at any one time. Nonetheless, other estimates put the figure closer to 6%. 


Although it is impossible to diagnose quiet BPD, its presence cannot be disputed. Internalization of emotions may be a severe setback for people suffering from the disorder, and it often goes unnoticed. If you believe a loved one is suffering from BPD, you should understand how to assist someone with BPD. Although it may be challenging, people with BPD, especially those with quiet BPD, need a support system. And your aid may be all that someone needs to overcome their illness.

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