Not Working PS4 Controller How to Solve Most Problems

Not Working PS4 Controller How to Solve Most Problems. Your DualShock 4 controller works most of the time perfectly. But it’s annoying when your PlayStation 4 controller stops responding or disconnects randomly.

Let’s look at how to fix your PS4 Controller when it’s not working so you can get back to playing.

PS4 Controller Won’t Connect or Pair

Pressing the PS Button on your Controller should turn it on and connect to your system. The light bar on your Controller will flash briefly and then turn off when it isn’t connecting.

Since the PS4 Controller tries to connect to the last console you used it with, this frequently occurs if you’ve used your DualShock 4 with another console. For example, if you use the Controller for Steam on your PC or with a friend’s Controller, it will remember that Controller and try to connect to it the next time you turn the console on.

In these cases, you must repair your DualShock 4 with your PlayStation 4. To do this, use a micro-USB cable to connect your Controller to your PS4. Make sure you’re using a cable that you know works.

Click the PS Button on your Controller for a few seconds. Its light should flash briefly before turning blue, indicating that it is physically connected to your console (or another solid color if you already have a controller connected). Your PS4 Controller has successfully paired and connected, as indicated by this.

Attempting to repair your DualShock 4 with your PS4 may turn on the other device and connect the Controller to it if it is already paired with another nearby device, such as your phone or a PlayStation 5. As a result, you should first turn off and unplug whatever other device your DualShock 4 is paired to.

After you repair your Controller, you can disconnect the USB cable and use it wirelessly as usual. Pressing the PS Button should auto-connect because your PS4 will remember it until you pair the Controller with another device.

Remember that you can only have four DualShock 4 controllers connected to the PS4 simultaneously.
If four controllers are already connected, disconnect one to make room for more.

PS4 Controller Keeps Disconnecting

You can try a few fixes if your DualShock 4 disconnects randomly while playing.

First, make sure the battery in your Controller is fully charged. It may sound simple, but if the battery in your Controller is nearly dead, it may disconnect. Hold the PS Button to bring up the Quick Menu on the left side of the screen to check the battery life of your Controller. At the bottom, you’ll see a controller icon displaying battery life.

To ensure you see the battery charging animation, reconnect your Controller to your PS4 (or a wall outlet) and return to the Quick Menu. Try using your Controller generally after it has charged for some time.

Ensure you’re trying to use your PS4 Controller only a short distance away from your system if the battery wasn’t the issue. The typical Bluetooth range is around 30 feet; depending on your setup, you may be able to use your Controller further than this or be limited to using it closer.

In this regard, keep your Controller and console as separate as possible. Remove any metal objects interfering with the signal, such as shelving or laptops. You should remove your PS4 from enclosed spaces to improve signal transmission and reception.

Last but not least, remember that the PS4 has a setting that turns off controllers after idle for a certain amount of time. Go to Settings > Power Save Settings > Set Time Until Controllers Turn Off and Never select if you don’t want your PS4 Controller to turn off while watching media apps like YouTube.
Even if you’re idle, this will drain the controller battery.

General Fixes When Your PS4 Controller Isn’t Working

We’ve examined specific fixes for a few common DualShock 4 problems above. Next, let’s look at more general PS4 controller problem solutions. If your PS4 Controller is still not responding, proceed through these steps.

1. Restart Your Console

While the Controller itself causes most controller issues, your PS4 may be the source of the case. Before troubleshooting, you should restart your console to rule out this possibility.

Hold the PS Button to bring up the Quick Menu, then select Power > Restart PS4 to reboot your system if your Controller is functional enough to access menus.

Press and hold the Power button on your PS4 console until you hear two beeps if your Controller isn’t cooperating. This will completely shut it down; once powered off (with no lights on the front), press the Power button again to turn it back on. If you see an orange light, your system has entered Rest Mode, a temporary shutdown.

After a reboot, try using your Controller again (with a USB cable if necessary) to see if that helps.

2. Forget and Re-Pair Your PS4 Controller

You can access a menu that lets you delete the problematic Controller if you have a second PS4 controller (or a PS Move controller for PS VR). Select the DualShock 4 entry in Settings > Devices > Bluetooth Devices—it’s one without a green light.

Press the Options button on your Controller, then select Forget Device from the resulting Menu.
You will need to pair it again because this will cause your PS4 to remove it from memory.

This is an excellent time to try a slightly different pairing method: having your PS4 Controller repaired when you start it up. Turn off your PS4 completely to do this (as explained earlier). Connect the problematic Controller with a USB cable to your console after it has been turned off. Hit the PS Button on the Controller to turn it on and pair it all at once.

Turn your PS4 back on and pair it the usual way, as described above, if this doesn’t work.

3. Hard Reset Your PS4 Controller

If removing and repairing the Controller does not work, you can try the complete DualShock 4 reset procedure.
You’ll need a small pointed object, such as a bent paper clip or a SIM card ejection tool. This is a non-intrusive troubleshooting step because it won’t reset anything on your PS4 or affect your Controller except for the need to pair it again.

Flip your Controller over after completely turning off your PS4. By the L2 button, there is a small hole next to the screw (on the right side of the Controller when flipped over). Press and hold the button for about five seconds inside this hole using your tipped tool.

Connect your Controller to your PS4 again using a USB cable after you’ve done this to ensure it pairs successfully.

4. Try Connecting the PS4 Controller Elsewhere

If you haven’t already, try connecting the PS4 Controller that’s giving you problems to another device. If you have similar problems when using the PS4 Controller on a PS5 ,a smartphone, your PC then your Controller is likely faulty.

Additionally, try using a different PS4 controller with your console. If you borrow a friend’s DualShock 4 that works correctly and has issues connecting to your system, something needs to be fixed with your PS4’s wireless connectivity.

5. Use the Controller in Wired Mode

It would be best to try playing with your PS4 Controller permanently connected via a USB cable and instructing your PS4 not to use the wireless Bluetooth connection before you give up on it. However, remember that this only works with the updated PS4 Controller. If the light bar is visible inside the touchpad on the front of your Controller, you have this model. If not, you have an older controller and cannot force wired communication.

Head to Settings > Devices > Controllers > Communication Method and select Use USB Cable to force your PS4 to connect controllers over USB with a compatible DualShock 4. Connecting via a USB cable will prevent the DualShock 4 from using Bluetooth.

If this works, you should get a long USB cable to game from the couch, even if you’re wired in. Ailun’s three-pack of 10-foot micro-USB cables is an affordable option.

DualShock 4 Hardware Fix Options

DualShock 4 controllers, like most hardware, have a one-year warranty. If you purchased your PS4 Controller within the last year and it is still not working after attempting all of the above fixes, you should visit PlayStation’s Repairs page and submit a request for a new controller pair.

If your PS4 Controller isn’t working, one of its buttons may be stuck, overriding the others. Some people have fixed this problem by slamming the Controller against their legs or tables. While this may free up anything stuck inside your Controller, be careful not to hit it too hard, as this may cause additional issues.

Otherwise, you can try hardware fixes by opening your Controller. If you’ve gotten this far and still can’t fix the problem, something inside your Controller is jammed or disconnected. However, this may be difficult or impossible, depending on the specific issue. We recommend speaking with a local repair technician if you feel uncomfortable doing this.

PlayStation 4 Controller Issues, Patched Up

Now you can fix the most common PS4 controller issues. More specific problems, such as a button that stops working, fall under the hardware fix solutions mentioned above. You can fix minor issues by following YouTube tutorials but be careful not to damage your Controller further.

Your DualShock 4 problem was simple to fix. If not, there are many great options

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