Instances That Render You Responsible For A Collision That You Might Be Unaware Of

Instances That Render You Responsible For A Collision That You Might Be Unaware Of

Most of us hope never to be responsible for a car accident or any other sort of road collision.
And while most of us are definitely aware of the most common instances that would render us
liable for a collision, such as driving under the influence and speeding, there are several other
instances that you might be unaware of.

Being aware of these instances listed below is the best way to ensure you are a safe and
cautious road user. And if you aren’t too sure what to do after a car accident, that’s not your fault; it’s always best to remain on the right side of the law and follow recommended practices such as reporting the incident, calling emergency services to the scene, and staying calm.

With that said, here are some lesser-known reckless driving instances that you should avoid to
be a cautious driver.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a pretty broad term, as it refers to driving while doing anything else, even if
for a moment. Unfortunately, answering that seemingly important phone call, sending a quick
text, or reaching for your cooldrink can lead to an accident.

Because it can take a second of distraction to find yourself in a collision, it’s best to keep your
eyes on the road, invest in a hands-free kit for your car, and avoid eating and drinking while

Driving Under The Influence Of Prescription Medications

Most drivers are aware that we shouldn’t drive under the influence. Although most only consider alcohol and recreational drugs to be a danger to our focus when driving.

However, tons of over-the-counter medications and prescription medications can cause
drowsiness, lack of focus and ultimately hinder your ability to be a cautious driver. So, if you are
using any medications, even if they are not prescription, always check the insert to be sure
there is no caution warning to avoid driving.

Vehicle Malfunctions

Keeping up to date with your vehicle’s maintenance and repair needs is crucial. And if not for
your own safety, for the safety of other road users. Unfortunately, if your car malfunctions for
any reason while you are driving, and the fault is due to neglecting maintenance and repairs,
then you are likely liable for the collision.

Your car must be licensed and roadworthy, and many regions worldwide encourage drivers to
keep their vehicles in a roadworthy condition to help mitigate the number of collisions. So, be
sure to prioritize maintenance and essential repairs for your car.

Prioritizing Safe Driving To Avoid Collisions

Car accidents can be exceptionally traumatizing. And while severe common accident types such
as head-on collisions and vehicle roll-overs can be devastating for all parties involved, even
minor fender benders can be financially draining and leave you with hefty medical bills.

So, it’s always best to prioritize safe driving to avoid collisions. And you can enhance your ability to be a cautious driver by taking advanced driving lessons and avoiding all the causes of
accidents, both common and uncommon.


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