How to Identify Employees with Leadership Potential

How to Identify Employees with Leadership Potential

Not every manager is a leader. It could be a bit difficult to identify employees with leadership potential at your workplace. However, if you are able to do it, you can receive a lot of benefits, from improving employee productivity to attaining stunning teamwork.

Here are some ways you can spot leadership potential in employees:

They are able to engage with others

They ask questions and give suggestions to rectify things. They are able to identify loopholes and
weaknesses on different levels. Whether it is on the team level, at an individual level, or at an
organizational level, they give constructive feedback to improve things.

Leaders take interest in different roles that are out of their typical JD. They show an urge to learn
more. They can understand other people. This does not necessarily translate to talking to other
members’ activities or socializing with other employees. Leaders could be shy and less social. Although being social is a part of leadership, it can be developed later.

What is more important is the fact that high potential leaders are able to understand others. They are empathic. They know about the weaknesses and shortcomings of their peers. Similarly, they are also aware of the strengths of other employees.

They don’t fear failure

Employees with leadership potential don’t fear failure. They know that failure is a part of life, especially professional life. While they don’t like failing, they won’t avoid taking on a task or hold themselves from taking a risk because they fear failure. Leaders don’t hold grudge against other members if they fail to do a task. After all, efforts are what matter.

They can communicate

Great leaders are able to communicate effectively and clearly. They can make people understand their idea. They are able to articulate their words perfectly. Before they say something, they listen actively to other people. They know that listening is a vital part of communication. So, before they speak, they listen and think twice.

Many people confuse good communication with extraversion. In fact, people who are often quiet and listen actively are better communicators. They think. They think a lot before making any decision and they never take any step based on their personal preference.

They don’t show off

Showing off is something that great leaders never do. They know their worth, even if they are being
overshadowed by someone else. They have a strong character and they are incredible at what they do.

So, they are able to inspire others. People who have to show off their success are insecure about
something and they suffer from an inner void which they want to fill by boasting off their success.

Can extract good out of others

High potential employees are able to extract good out of others. They will sometimes take a step back to encourage others to take on the role. And, will always appreciate other employees when they perform well. These leaders have high levels of emotional intelligence. Empathy is deep-rooted in their characters.

They are able to multitask

When employees are given a managerial position, they have to perform various tasks at once, from
talking to the client to forwarding different emails to team members, they have to juggle between a lot of tasks. To test the leadership potential in your employees, you can give a lot of responsibilities to an employee. Then observe how they manage it. If they are able to perform a lot of tasks without panicking or struggling, then they could be future leaders.

They are never satisfied and they upgrade their dreams

Leaders know that learning never stops. They will always work on their shortcoming and weaknesses in order to improve their performance. They never turn down an offer to do additional tasks that involve growth. They are never satisfied. They keep on upgrading their goals and ambitions. They are confident and they take constructive criticism as an opportunity to grow.

To spot leadership potential in your employees, assess each employee individually. Sometimes, those who are quiet and strive to improve themselves, possess great leadership potential. So, never assume that a shy or introverted employee is not fit for a leadership role. Talk to them. Have one-on-one meetings with them.

You can also consult a leadership advisory firm to help you discover employees with leadership


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